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Every jar tells an amazing , full of joy and rich in flavor story .All our products of quality and taste, leave the memory for a conviviality moment around a table , for remembering a special event, thanks to the unique and special taste of truffle based T&C products.

Vegan hamburger
What I ‘m going to cook tonight? That is the question that every mum and dad ask to themselves, looking for healthy dishes, with a good balance from also a nutritional point of view, but tasty at the same time…
Cannelloni with ricotta and Tartufata
“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know which one are you going to pick up”. So said Forrest Gump in the eponymous movie, so famous and deeply complicated one. Chocolates are a life gastronomic metaphor. All of…


Marco Domenella – Truffle Innovation

Hello let’s welcome Marco Domenella chef of Hosteria La Marca in Camerano (Ancona. Le Marche region )You have done a very interesting cultural journey inside your region. You have been totally concerned about healthy food, “the good food for everybody…

Riccardo Marconi – Truffle Innovation’s Ambassador

Good morning Dr Marconi, you graduated in Gastronomic Science at University of Camerino.Your degree thesis has been dedicated to study the properties of White Truffle from Acqualagna and, consequently, its relative valorization of the territory. Now we know that you…

Truffle Inclusive: the Numero Zero restaurant project

The Numero Zero Restaurant project is one of the activities within the Città del Sole foundation. Can you briefly tell us how the Foundation was born and what its mission is? Città del Sole was founded in June 1998 to…

Truffle Inclusive: Utopia

Utopia is a dream that has become reality in Miralfiore Park, an important inclusion project promoted by the non-profit organization Gulliver and the Municipality of Pesaro. We tell you about the birth of this social bar-restaurant and the commitment of…


Our truffle: from local to glocal, organic and green.
Among oaks, holms and hazelnuts woods , on the slopes of the Nerone mountain, our truffles are born.

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