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T&C House Sandwich

T&C House sandwich

Summer is coming and everybody now likes easy and fast dishes to cook!
So, when you have no ideas and your food storage is poor, there is only one thing that children and adults love: toast!
It’s easy to make and quick to eat, you don’t have to wash dishes, and the most important characteristic is: it is absolutely super tasty!
Let’s do it strange! You just need to add our T&C Summer truffle cream and a pinch of T&C summer truffle salt to make it simple, but unique at the same time!

Brush the bread with butter and brown it a little bit. Brown the pork cheek on low heat in a cooking pan. In the same cooking pan cook the chicken breast, salt it with T&C Summer truffle salt and keep it warm. Take the avocado, peel it, remove the core and make thin slices of it in the lenght sense. Compose the layered sandwich as follows: on the basic slice put half of the quantity of T&C Summer truffle cream, over the central slice of bread put the mayonnaise, and put the rest of T&C Summer truffle cream inside the third slice of bread. Compose the sandwich by alternating avocado, chicken breast, pork cheek and omelette. Repeat same ingredients for the second level and put the third slice of bread on the top of the sandwich.


3 slices of toast bread
4 slices of chicken breast
20 g butter
6 slices of pork cheek
10 g mayonnaise
1 ripe avocado
25 g T&C Summer truffle cream
2 beaten eggs
10 ml extra virgin olive oil
T&C Summer truffle salt as required
salt and pepper as required


Emanuele Scoccia

Born in Rome, a young newcomer  begins with the T&C...


Truffled Salt
Summer Truffles Cream


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