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IPSSAR IST ALB PiobbicoTacconi (egg Pasta) With Truffles

Tacconi (egg pasta) with truffles

First dish

Recipe by Nicolas, Sonny, Cristian, Leon e Sindy

Tacconi: how to make it 
Mix deeply the 2 different flours, prepare the dough over a chopping board and add eggs in the center , make the doug for long to obtain an elastic and homogneus ball.
Cover the dough with some transparent paper and leave it in the fridge for 20/30 minutes. Make the dough with the rolling pin, add some flour and make a roll to form a cylindric shape. Then cut in slices of ¾ millimetrs and leave them over a dish covered by flour .
Cook the Tacconi egg pasta in plentiful water when the pasta comes to light (after 4 minutes generally), drain them and put the pasta in a pan with the tartufata sauce .Decorate with the peel of little tomatoes or finely chopped dried chillies.

How to make it
Put the grated cheese in a bowl , add some pasta boiled water and make the cheese become creamy , if you need use some kitchen tools. Add theT&C black truffle sauce and pepper. Mix it all. Cook it in a pan for a little while and add a touch of olive oil . Add some slices of fresh black truffle over the dish.

4 people ingredients
• Bean Flour 200g
• White flour 200g
• 4 middle size eggs

• Tacconi (egg pasta) for 4 people 280g
• Pecorino cheese from Le Marche region 200g
• Pepper as required
• Fine Black truffle as required
• T&C black truffle sauce 70g


Salsa al Tartufo Nero


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