White truffle carbonara spaghetti
Yesterday I’ve cooked an apple pie for the first time. I’ve read an old recipes book and I’ve carefully followed any steps and instruction, trying not to make mistakes. Only after having put it in hoven I realized that I have not done a step: the tragedy was coming!
I took out of hoven the pie thinking that it would have been a messy, I cutted a slice and I tasted it. Trust me it was very good!
At that moment, I realized that cooking, like life, also means not always following the rules. Sometimes making some errors leads us to discover things that we would never have discovered without.
What do you think about my philosophy? The best occasion is the carbonara spaghetti with white truffle. It’s a revisiting of a traditional dish.
Adding a little touch of gourmet with truffle that certainly is not a mistake but added value!
Toast pistachios in oven at 150° C ventilated degrees, or 170° C static degrees. Add eggs, anchovies, T&C White truffle cream and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. Mix it up with an immersion blender without incorporating air. Sauce must be totally smooth. Add half of the pistachios. Put the oil and the pressed garlic in a frying pan. Take the garlic out when it browns. Cook the pasta al dente in abundant salt water. Add pasta to the hot oil and to the already prepared sauce. Mix well at low heat, add some pasta cooking water, if necessary. Serve it with the rest of pistachios and a handful of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.
320 g spaghetti
2 big organic eggs
2 anchovy fillets
25 g T&C White truffle cream
40 g Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
25 g pistachios
1 clove of garlic
30 ml extra virgin olive oil
salt as required