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Scaloppine Con Crema Di Tartufo Bianco

Scaloppine con crema di tartufo bianco

Se una ricetta è facile da realizzare, non vuol dire che non sia buona. Grazie al nostro video imparerai a realizzare delle perfette scaloppine con crema di tartufo bianco, estremamente profumate  e dal sapore eccezionale!

La crema di tartufo bianco la puoi trovare all’interno del nostro shop!


Polenta pie with truffle
It is a savory cake without using puffy or shortcrust pastry, but using a golden and tasty wholemeal polenta. Add a sauce made with Tartufata sauce, a little bit of robiola cheese, bacon and pan-fry porcini mushrooms. Put the cooked…
Focaccia (flat bread) with truffle
I’ve been recently in Genoa. The most beautiful things very often are not visible at our eyes, in some ways hidden at us. That’s is what happens when you go around the city walking on the little lanes called “caruggi”.…
Boscaiola fettuccine, summer sliced truffle
This morning I went shopping and I felt in love. It’s true, I agree with you, now it’s not the mushroom season, but sometime, you need to go out of rules. Sometimes you need to fulfill your desire. After so…
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