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Salty Crumble With Truffle

Salty Crumble with truffle

Put the flour, the diced butter, the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and the salt in a large cup. Mix fastly the ingredients with the fingers to obtain a crumbly dough. Take some single-use ceramic bowls, cover it with butter, fill each one of them with the dough and heat it up at 180°C for 35/40 minutes, until the surface will be brown and crispy. Mix heavily the philadelphia cheese together with the cream by using the egg beater to obtain the mousse. Once a uniform cream is obtained pour it on the bowls and cover everything with some T&C Sliced summer truffle.


100 g flour
100 g butter
40 g Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
salt as required

For the mousse:
250 g philadelphia cheese
125 ml whipping cream
20 g T&C Sliced summer truffle


Daniele Curzietti

Born in Marche region, passionate about cooking, studies at Senigallia...


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