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Riccardo Marconi – Truffle Innovation’s Ambassador

Riccardo Marconi – Truffle Innovation’s Ambassador

Good morning Dr Marconi, you graduated in Gastronomic Science at University of Camerino.Your degree thesis has been dedicated to study the properties of White Truffle from Acqualagna and, consequently, its relative valorization of the territory. Now we know that you are going on your academic journey with a master degree in Food Science and Technology. Can you explain to us from a scientific point of view, which are the best interesting pairing with others different row material that can valorize “truffle” starting from its organoleptic specific properties?
Truffle is a precious and unique row material, it’s very well known for its complicated organoleptic profile. Its profile combines earthy and lightly sulphurous aromas with hazelnuts and garlic accents. To evaluate truffle at its best, it’s essential the choice of specific ingredients able to amplify, to counteract or to balance these properties. Some of the truffle components are volatile e.g.the bis(methylthio)methane, they also are fat soluble, it means that they can easily bind with fats. This characteristic makes ideal the combination with very rich ingredients in lipids because they enhance the aromatic complexity of truffle.
To exalt White Truffle in an original way it’s possible to create pairings that evaluate its complexity and at the same time, these pairing could offer unique tasting experiences. Just to give you an example the combination with raw fish, as sashimi or oysters let the fish delicacy enriched with the complex aromas of truffle making a sophisticated and elegant mix. Also sweet or slightly acidic fruit as fig and pear, combine very well with the earthy accents of truffle creating amazing contrasts that enhance the aromatic aspects of truffle.
Last but not least, dairy products e.g plain yogurt, buffalo milk or fresh cheeses are ideal to enhance the aroma of Truffle.
Creaminess and acidic nuances of these ingredients point out the unique taste of truffle offering a perfect and refined sensory balance. Versatility of truffle and its aromatic complexity make possible a lot of pairing possibilities, stimulating cooking research and creating unique sensory experiences.

During your degree thesis, that you have done both at T&C Truffle company and at Camerino University, you have studied truffle under different aspects. Your chemical analysis showed inedited aspects of White truffle from Acqualagna. Can you tell us, in your opinion, which are the possibilities that today truffle can have in food area (sweet or salty recipes) and not only food?
During the preparation of my thesis at Camerino University Food Chemistry Laboratories, I have had the opportunity to deepen my knowledge about the Acqualagna White Truffle.
It is a precious ingredient renowned for its strong aroma. Nevertheless, this extraordinary raw material has also other nutritional characteristics that give an added value to it, even if few people know them. These new nutritional aspects could represent the starting point to develop new information campaign to form new aware consumers about what they eat. It could also happen to create new products with truffle that will develop all the characteristic of White truffle.
Besides that, we must say that a recent study has highlighted some extremely interesting molecules to be used in cosmetic area.
Truffle extracts are becoming more and more interesting on doing high level cosmetics thanks to antioxidant, hydrating and soothing properties that make truffle ideal to skin care. Exploring and studying one aliment from the scientific point of view not only allows to discover its hidden potentialities but also it opens the way to infinite possibilities of innovation, from eating to cosmetic area, giving added value to a product that is already unique.

Belonging to you, truffle can be considered a raw material to be inserted in a balanced and healthy diet?
Fresh truffle represents an ideal raw material for healthy and balanced diet, thanks to its low calories content of about approximately 50kcal per 100g, and also thanks to a good protein contribution (6g per 100g) and last, thanks to its high fiber content (8,4g per 100g), besides that truffle is also low fat.
There are some very interesting aspects about truffle: its essential mineral properties very good for wellness. Potassium stands out among others, it is fundamental to maintain the electrolyte balance and to promote the transmission of nerve impulses.
Phosphorus, on other side, is essential for formation and maintenance of bones and teeth and it is involved in cells energy production processes.
Sulfur is another relevant element because it is crucial in protein synthesis as it represents a key element in amino acid like cysteine. Magnesium also present inside truffle is well known for its bones benefits and muscles relaxion. Calcium as well is essential for bones and teeth structure, muscle contraction and blood clotting
In conclusion we can say that fresh truffle is an ideal food to enrich the healthy and balanced diet and, at the same time, truffle adds taste and refinement to it.

What touched your intellectual curiosity as a researcher toward truffle and what led you to choose our company to do your degree thesis?
My curiosity on truffle subject was born from the uniqueness of this precious ingredient and from its deep connection with the territory and with nature.
Thanks to its extraordinary properties, truffle represents a fascinating research field and it offers a lot of opportunities to explore new application. I’ve chosen T&C Truffle for my internship to make my degree thesis because this company represents a perfect combination of tradition and innovation in a sustainable way.
My job, made during my path, has been a first step to the valorization of a local product together with the goal of making people known about it , its characteristic and also the promotion of its origin territory.
This approach is based on our awareness that local food, like truffle, have often unique organoleptic properties closely linked to climatic and environmental condition of the territory of origin.
I considered that two entities from le Marche region as T&C Truffle company and University of Camerino would be perfect to study in deep and evaluate a so iconic product of this region as white truffle .
I just would like to thank T&C Truffle, University of Camerino and Dr Sagratini Professor of Food Chemistry, Director of School of Pharmacy and Responsible of Gastronomic Science.
Their strategic contribution made this project done and all of them have given a big contribution to my personal and professional path.


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