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Fish Carpaccio With Summer Truffle Slices

Fish carpaccio with summer truffle slices

Ingredients for four persons:

  • 12 wafer thin slices of fillet sea bass, sea bream or salmon ecc.
  • 1 jar 45 gr/1,6 oz. sliced summer truffles in oil
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 10 gr/0,35 oz. Extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 a bunch of rocket and other salads
  • salt and pepper to taste


Place the fish slices on a serving dish, season with salt, pepper, olive oil and lemon juice. Cover with the flaked Parmisan cheese and the slices of truffles. Garnish with sprigs of fresh rocket. Leave at least 20 minutes before serving.


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